Monday, April 13, 2009

Does anyone know how much or how often to water azaleas?

Generally speaking: WATERING -Azaleas need a soil that is moist, but not soggy, throughout the year. They are not deep-rooted. Make sure the entire shallow root zone is moistened when watering.Check the soil with your finger to determine how deeply any water has penetrated. Generally a deep soaking once a week is sufficient. Use an irrigation basin around each plant -slow deep soaking or low sprinklers to cover ground beneath the plant. Avoid overhead watering as wet flowers finish much faster. I hope this gives you some idea......

Does anyone know how much or how often to water azaleas?
outside: you must have acid soil. peat moss beds are best.

indoors: call your florist or nurseryman.

i have west texas alkaline soil. azaleas have to be planted in peat moss trenches to live east texas,however, they flouish like magic. you must travel to tyler, texas, when the azaleas,rhododendrons,dogwood trees, and redbud trees are in bloom. you just won%26#039;t believe your eyes. every yard in the entire city displays a fairyland of brilliantly colored gorgeous blooms.--one of the most unforgetable trips of my life!
Reply:I would say at least twice a week depending on how hot or cool it is. And I would water them with watering hose for at least 5 to 10 minutes at a time.
Reply:In the ground once a week, In pots 2-3 x%26#039;s per week depending on the heat and humidity of your area.
Reply:5 mins per day
Reply:azaleas really need rain water rather than tap water it is much better for them. so the best way to water them is from a rain water butt or standing them outside in the rain. feeding them should be done with a sequeseted iron formular obtained from a garden center. they do prefer as already said peat based acid soil

good luck


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